Novel Writing Tips: How to Develop Story Ideas into Interesting Plots in the Crime and Thriller Genres


[ad_1] – Developing a story idea into an interesting plot for a novel in the crime and thriller genre can involve several steps.

Here are some suggestions that can help you:

1. Determine the main conflict

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Choose the main conflict that will be the center of your story. This could be a crime that occurred, for example a mysterious murder or an elaborate robbery. This conflict will be at the center of the story and motivate plot development.

2. The protagonist character

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Create a protagonist that is both interesting and relevant to the crime and thriller genre. Give them a solid background and unique traits. They can be detectives, private investigators, or even crime victims trying to solve mysteries.

3. Create a strong antagonist

Antagonists in crime and thriller novels are often complex and mysterious figures. Give them a clear motivation to commit their crime. The conflict between the protagonist and antagonist will be one of the main driving forces of the plot.

4. Build puzzles and mysteries

Position the reader in the puzzles and mysteries that must be solved together with the protagonist. Present clues that point in different directions and insert moments of unexpected surprise to keep the reader suspense and interest.

5. Develop the plot gradually

Begin with an engaging introduction to introduce the story’s characters, conflict, and atmosphere. Then, gradually build up the plot by increasing the tension and tension in each chapter or section. Consider clever use of plot twists to surprise the reader.

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